• Opening Time : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The Fund

Objectives for which Tourism Fund is established:

a) Finance the development of Tourism products and services.
b) Finance the marketing of Kenya as a preferred Tourist destination through
the Kenya Tourism Board;
c) Finance the Activities of the protection Service;
d) Finance the Tourism research, Tourism Intelligence and the National
Tourism Information management system;
e) Finance the activities of the Tourism sector safety, communication and crisis
management center to be established and managed by the ministry.
f) Finance training and capacity Development activities of the College and of
such Tourism hospitality training Institutions as may be established under
the Act; and
g) Mobilize resources to support Tourism related activities

Functions Of The Board of Trustees

a) Collect the tourism levy imposed under section 105 of this Act or any other written law;
b) Establish, equip and control such other tourism and hospitality training institutions as it may be necessary upon approval by the Minister;
c) Formulate sound policies for the regulation and management of the Fund;
d) solicit for funds and other assistance to promote the object for which the Fund is established;
e) Determine the amounts of money payable for the purposes of the Fund and formulate the conditions for disbursement.
f) Invest any surplus funds not immediately required in securities approved by the Treasury, for the purposes of realizing the objects and purpose for which the Fund is established;
g) Establish a tourism training revolving fund;
h) keep and maintain audited accounts of the Fund and publish the accounts in the manner approved by the Treasury;
i) Cause to be kept all proper books and records of account of the income, expenditure, assets and liabilities of the Fund;
j) Receive any gifts, donations, grants or endowments made to the Fund, and to make legitimate disbursements; and
k) Perform any other functions that are ancillary to the objects and purpose for which the Fund is established.