• Opening Time : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Tourism Fund is a body corporate established under the Tourism Act Cap.381 Laws of Kenya, which came into operation on 1st September 2012 vide special issue Kenya Gazette supplement number 93 of 24th August 2012. The Fund is the legal successor to the Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees that had been in existence since 1972 and operated under the umbrella of the Hotels and Restaurants Act Cap.494, Laws of Kenya.

Tourism Fund: Organization

Tourism Fund upholds its dedication to foster a long lasting strategic relationships through collaboration, and partnership with all stakeholders in its operational practices. This commitment is reflected in its actions and decision making process.

To guarantee that the fund remains aligned with its purposes and objectives, vision, mission, Mandate , and core values, continuous improvement will be undertaken through implementing all gaps identified by all audits carried out as well as refining its governance structure.

The ongoing reviews ensure that the organization adapts to the evolving business landscape and is consistent with ethical and social principles as enshrined in the Kenya constitutions 2011. This then ensures that the fund will continuously strive to be responsible by carrying out progressive business practices, setting best practice for excellence and integrity in the tourism industry and beyond

Tourism Fund: Purpose and Objectives

Tourism Fund serves key purposes. Firstly, it provides financial support for developing tourism products and services. Additionally, it funds the marketing of Kenya as a tourist destination, which is managed through the Tourism Board. The fund also supports the operations of the Protection Service.

Tourism Fund finances Tourism Research, Tourism Intelligence efforts. Furthermore, the Fund is responsible for financing training and capacity development at the College and other hospitality training institutions that may be set up under the Act. Finally, it mobilizes resources to support various tourism-related activities

Tourism Fund: The Building

Tourism Fund building is located along valley road with its entrance off Bishop Road in Nairobi, Kenya. Its modern design was aimed at meeting the expectations of both public and private tenants.

The building is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, elevators, firefighting and alarm systems prioritizing safety and ease of use by all its occupants as well as visitors. While services around this serene location include Nairobi CBD, hospitality venues, hospitals, police station, making it idea for all business seeking visibility and connectivity.